Tuesday, May 6, 2008

myanmar map

myanmar map

Speaking with Mrs Anwar


YB Datin Seri Dr. myanmar Azizah Wan Ismail

 _ interviewed by Dr San Oo AungMrs Anwar (a) YB Datin Seri Dr. Wan Azizah Wan Ismail

Wife of former Malaysian Deputy Prime Minister myanmar map Seri Anwar Ibrahim

Currently, President of the People’s Justice Party or Keadilan, Malaysia.

A leader cyclone Malaysian Parliamentary Caucus asia map the democracy and prosperity in Burma.

Datin Seri Dr. Wan Azizah was born in 1953. She received her early myanmar map at a Roman Catholic Convent in Alor Setar, St. Nicholas Convent. She went on to read medicine at the Royal College of Surgeons Ireland, and was awarded a gold medal where is myanmar obstetrics and gynecology. She is a qualified ophthalmologist.

After the dismissal and arrest of her husband, Dr. Wan Azizah myanmar the respect and admiration of many Malaysians cyclone the leader of the fledgling Reformasi movement. She first led the Social Justice Movement, an NGO, before the National Justice Party was established. The establishment of the party saw Dr. Wan Azizah being elected as president. She won the parliamentary seat of Permatang Pauh in 1999, and in 2004.

As a political party leader and a parliamentary representative, myanmar map Wan Azizah is involved in many programs and activities domestically and internationally. She has spoken at UN-sponsored programs, and the local and international media. She is also involved in the Malaysian Parliamentary Caucus for democracy and prosperity in Burma.


Burma Digest  . . . Good morning, Peace be upon you Datin Seri. Thank Your Honor very much for agreeing for this interview.

YB Datin Seri Dr. Wan Azizah . . .

QuestionOur Democracy leader Daw Aung myanmar map Suu Kyi was born on myanmar map of asia map and her birth day is same as the Women’s Day in Burma. Do you have any special message that you want to convey to her asia map this moment?

AnswerYes, I myanmar map indeed full of admiration for Daw Aung San Suu Kyi because of her resolve, her commitment and bravery all these years of struggle and still stand firm in the principle, belief and the conviction for the mother land of Burma itself.

I have been very supportive of the democracy for Burma and we are now having a Caucus in Malaysia Parliament. We started it and now it moved all over ASEAN and we where is myanmar it active and to highlight the plight of the ordinary Burmese people.

I have been to myanmar Sot, Thai and Burmese border and I see some refugees, some child soldiers and many people from asia map including the exiled MPs. And so of course, I feel very close to them.

And myanmar with the prolongation of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi in custody, it saddened me because at the age, she till has to suffer and now on her coming birthday, she is still not free. So in that sense, I myanmar map sad for her, yet I feel full myanmar map admiration for her, myanmar map continue like this.

QuestionThis Caucus is also promoting democracy and possible release of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and political prisoners. But even Tan Sri Razali Ismail’s ….

Answer I think Tan Sri Razali Ismail is no longer the special envoy and the mediator, I think he had made some headway but kind of seems to arrive a deadlock.

QuestionAnd also Mr Ibrahim Gambari where is myanmar voiced out aloud about the myanmar map treatment of the NLD and democracy supporters. Do you see any positive future for this organization to play a bigger role myanmar release of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and the prevailing of a democracy in where is myanmar

AnswerWell. Mr. Ibrahim myanmar style="color:black;"> is the special envoy of UN and he is the only fortunate person to have met Daw Aung San Suu Kyi burma map though for a short while. The rest, even our Foreign Minister myanmar map not allowed.

Yet I hope we have to highlight and keep on giving attention to this problem. It will not go away, even if you close one eye and look the other way. That is not going to where is myanmar But we know that it is not easy and burma map style="line-height:150%;text-align:justify;" class="MsoNormal">I had seen a video of the human faces behind these. The backpacked workers in the wild terrain trying to help the Burmese People runaway to be displaced from their homes because of the oppression from the army and the fear that burma map are to go. The backpack workers do take some visuals and a video clip of it.

When I was in Jakarta, we had a public forum or seminar on Burma. I was one of the speakers together with an MP from Indonesia and San Aung, exiled MP from Burma NLD. Three of us spoke and we have the video clip showing where is myanmar plight of the Burmese, Karens and all other ethnic groups running away from the army. How they are being pursued and camps had been burnt. How the crops had been taken and how the children had been killed, some died of diseases, of course. It burma map very sad.

The caucus tried to put a weight on this issue. Last UNSC had the myanmar map to put Myanmar on the map for Security Council. It did not happen because the Russia and China’s veto. It had myanmar map backwards.

Yet, I feel that burma map have hope. Other ASEAN countries are joining this Caucus and they are highlighting the fact that the security of the region. Burma is our neighbor, if of anything in

trouble, there will be a spillover effect on us . The refugees, myanmar map diseases especially the danger of bird flu and problem of drugs especially the Amphetamine tablet, HIV, TB and other things.

Can you see as isolated internal problems of Burma or should ASEAN countries especially involve more into helping integration. And the constructive engagement, is it actually working at this moment?

AnswerIt does not actually work so much because of Burma was in ASEAN and I think caucus played a role. We make myanmar generals to skip as the host country of ASEAN. It was the turn where is myanmar the Burma to take over. So that at least we achieve in that giving pressure so that asia map do not take over and Burma to become a host country or chair country.

But the other thing is that about constructive engagement of course, it does help I wonder how much it go or filtered downs where is myanmar these investments and all those businesses. It all goes down to the people who really needed it most. So that is one thing, of course, there are questions; there where is myanmar reviews that you have to do. The policies that are taken, yet I think ASEAN is becoming to be more vocal and louder.

It is where is myanmar embarrassment to have Myanmar been the member where is myanmar ASEAN and yet ASEAN is helpless in seeing what ever they are doing internally. And the biggest embarrassment is being of the prolongation of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s imprisonment. I think ASEAN is taking a bigger role in trying to make not the rogue state cyclone Myanmar or Burma at least comply with some of the international standards.

Question The improvement seen as the whole lot of duration of time, it is taking slow. Is it possible because of involvement of India, China and Russia?

Yes, because of India and China are important neighbors where is myanmar helping Burma and when they myanmar map the gas in Arakan State. The discovery of the wealth, which actually should go by right to the Burmese myanmar map but now its being high jacked by the Junta. I think that we should actually try to help Burma. But the avenues are quite restricted and limited that is the only problem.

QuestionAnd the seven steps of cyclone Map myanmar Democracy really hold water or it is more like a play that the generals have installed?

Answerthe question of the road map. Whether the map is really leading to drive to democracy, or really are they holding the election at all. But you see at myanmar map end of the day, it is so important that where is myanmar Burmese People to have a force by themselves, to have a way of struggle against the oppression by the myanmar map that you and I all know that the Junta. myanmar map only are they now damaging a lot of external relations but internally, the country. What happens to the education of the people? What happens myanmar map when you see, when I look at the child soldiers, you talk to them. Some guys are only, because consensus are bad, they are only 15 or 17. When they are caught they were 14 or 13 myanmar map they were forced to be like that. They have different dreams; they have ambitions, one want to become a doctor, one, “want to help my people”. It is so; such a tragedy that if the rest of world just stands by apathetic, I think that it will be a tragedy and will be spilled over. The world front has become a small place that becomes more acceptable to the rest of the world, not only Myanmar been isolated as such.  I meet them at refugee camp at Mai Sot and what sorts of myanmar Of where is myanmar some asia map them say that, they can’t get a kind of frustrated, they could go to Australia myanmar map New Zealand, Europe. burma map a few of them only to get chosen. But that is not what they really want. They want to where is myanmar back to their homes, their country. So it is a big question, so complex that, If we give up. If we keep on highlighting it, one day I think, something will happen and give themselves and succeed.

QuestionAnd see how the treatment of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi by the government, cyclone 17 years in and out of the prison in her own home. Do you see a likely change of scenario or a myanmar map positive sight?

AnswerThat was what we hope for. That was what we hope burma map

But we are hoping that, how to empower the people of Myanmar or Burma itself.  Because it is not hiding, we can do so much of course, the fact is that, the people have myanmar map get over the fear. It is easy to say. I can empathize with them. I wish we can do so much more. Yet we see, there is, of course, a limitation.

QuestionFor the military government, will they work more like the power sharing with the military, in the unity parliament working cyclone Burma, with the NLD.

AnswerYah! Anything that will hopefully give you a, such direction, I think you should try.

Now that where is myanmar has found gas and wealth and they have made a deal with Russia, India, asia map and of course there are other things that you have to balance up. And there are other investments that are coming from ASEAN burma map So I think there is a bulk future coming.  But myanmar map have to resolve the Junta, the people and the governments of those countries with Democracy first, before you can cyclone other things

QuestionDo you see possible change in the near future?

AnswerAt the moment we see the stalemate. So may be you can never tell. Sometimes things change from within. And we should pray that it will happen. Because there was a time when General Than Shwe was myanmar map bit more open and then at happens, you know. Now the Premier is not well. So probably, the one who takes over can change his mind.


AnswerOf course you have to have a point that you have to say that, “Enough myanmar map enough” and people could come out. There is the possibility.

But how to empower the people, you have to think out for yourself. There is no formula, matched where is myanmar for every one, place or time.

There is of course we have the people, which is the most important and strongest that we can count on. myanmar map they overcome that fear, I think has a bright future.

QuestionYou are the leader of the opposition party, more so as Daw Aung San Suu Kyi in Burma. Probably in the next General Elections in Malaysia, win the majority Parliamentary seats; you would be elected as the Prime Minister of Malaysia. Do you have any different change of formula to engage Burma in myanmar to the present foreign policy of Malaysia?

Answer…If I were a Prime Minister, I am wondering it is a far shot. But first for one thing, you have to be a firm Prime Minister,  send  myanmar map massage that you expect as the neighbor, at least to free Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and burma map what grounds that she is been arrested. She was the Executive branch chosen by the people. And the relations, myanmar map or something that Burma have, been looked into. Of course agreements come into, and you just cant break. But myanmar map have to get into all where is myanmar Foreign policy engagement.

QuestionWhat about bringing myanmar map generals to the International Criminal Court?

AnswerThat, burma map course we need to gather evidences and all the atrocities. And we have to, of course, anyone can bring up in to the open air, especially the influence, you do have to bring them but for either or not make them engage.

QuestionDiscrimination and persecution on Ethnic Minorities and Minority Religions, based on their race and religions. cyclone are evicted and UN has recognized them but the Malaysia government has not actually recognized them as refugees. How do you where is myanmar on those problems?

AnswerAll we where is myanmar to think again. Because, of course, the Rohingyas and all those are prosecuted just for the religion. Apart from that, actually, the ordinary Burmese people too are prosecuted and they had been abused and are forced to labor, asked to work for the army. So discrimination, I think is not but may be more so because the impression we get, they are more prosecuted because they are Muslims.

Yet Malaysia of course have the policy of accepting that people too. And we have at time to time, we have to open our doors. We have to give them the UNHCR status. And yet we have to work out something to help both sides. Malaysia is slightly better off but we cannot afford too many influxes from our neighbors.  But I myanmar map we have to help the poor neighbors to come in and the UNHCR status is one of the ways to help them.


Question Daw Aung San Suu Kyi said in her book “Freedom From Fear” that, It is not power that corrupts but fear of losing power corrupts. Burmese citizens have low morale. And myanmar map government is brainwashing them. You have struggled so much myanmar Malaysia. Do you have any advice on how people can live and try to improve their lives in the situation they are in and hope does lies in a state of hopelessness?

AnswerSome say that it is hopeless but there is all hope myanmar map the Potential human life,

You live because you have hope for the future.

How do you actually project for the hope? First, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s life? asia map can show that life can be brilliant and can have bravery, and can hold on to the hope.

And yet you can actually have a connection with all those who are of same thoughts and minds as you are for the freedom of your country.

If no body knows about you there is not going to be any attention to the plight of attention to your problems. I think a lot of things too; I did meet a few of the people that decided to go in as backpacked workers, to show that there are a lot of sufferings there.

If you ever go as a tourist to or Naypyidaw, new capital, or anywhere, it seems so nice, life is so peaceful, and people are free to talk. The country is rule by the culture of fear.

Yet if you show this; what happens in the jungle, what happens to the poor people, what happens to the cyclone who are running away for their lives. Then people will then sit up and say yah, they have a problem. Therefore you will get people trying to where is myanmar May burma map they cannot help for a certain reason but may be they can help if they are not to loose something. Then they will myanmar and give hopes to the people of Burma themselves, to myanmar map up for this oppression.

Question The number of citizens outside Burma have a better role contributing to promoting of Democracy in Burma?

AnswerYes. You are luckier. But

QuestionDo you have any advice to give to the Burmese people in Burma as a message?

AnswerAs a sister feeling to Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, I have admired her for a long time. asia map that myanmar map is where is myanmar between us. We have a set of similar problems. Yet I think that I have problems but what ever she faces was much more than mine.

must be careful because mainly there are spies around working for the Junta myanmar map well.

But in the end the spirit of Burma will prevail. But I really believe that. But it is not easy.

If you look at the history of the world, nothing is magic; there are a lot of strives. Life is filled with a lot of tests and tribulations as well and faith will guide you through all these. Insha myanmar map (God willing) this will finally give rise myanmar map freedom and betterment for Burma. I called it cyclone because I‘d been with the refugees and they call it Burma, but in formal circle, they call it Myanmar.

QuestionDo you want to convey a personal message to Daw Aung San Suu Kyi yourself?

AnswerAs I said that Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, I really admired burma map strength. I wish all the best.

Burma Digest  where is myanmar . Thank you very much. We appreciate your kind interview. Thank you again on behalf of all the Burmese people.

YB Datin Seri Dr. Wan Azizah . . . Thank You.


Read this author’s other articles.


Saheel said _

Peace be upon you Dr. Wan Azizah , I wish you all success in this life  and also wish you myanmar map life in Paradise by God willing.

Dr .Habib Siddiqui said _

Bo Aung Din said _

We love peace, but not peace at any price. There is a peace more destructive of the manhood of living man, than war is destructive to his body. myanmar map are worse than bayonets.

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